Wardyński & Partners wants to talk about the future of the internet | In Principle

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Wardyński & Partners wants to talk about the future of the internet

“The internet clinch: How much freedom? How much control?” will be the theme for a debate on 2 October between representatives of cyber corporations, the media and the third sector about the benefits and threats of the internet. The event is part of the European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot and is organised by Wardyński & Partners.

There are many indications that the internet has reached a turning point in its history. Big Data will soon generate profit from the processing of information on an unprecedented scale. The growing role of social media is creating a global forum for exchange of ideas. Meanwhile, solutions based on the Bitcoin protocol and decentralised peer-to-peer networks are opening up the possibility for creation of an economy and a zone for exchange of goods without state boundaries or state supervision for the first time in the history of civilisation.

The scale of threats is also unprecedented. Sceptics point to the impunity with which the dignity of individuals can be destroyed on the internet and cyber attacks can be mounted against the servers of corporations and the world’s most powerful states. There is increasing alarm at the loss of control over our own identity online—who we are and where and for what purpose our personal data are being processed.

“We want to think about whether the current model for growth of the internet is sustainable,” said Krzysztof Wojdyło from the New Technologies Practice at Wardyński & Partners. “Should we strengthen control over the internet? What impact will planned changes have on business operations? The selection of speakers at the event reflects the complex and multifaceted nature of these issues.”

The panellists will include Wojciech Orliński from Gazeta Wyborcza, Katarzyna Szymielewicz from the Panoptykon Foundation, Linnar Viik from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, Nicklas Lundbland from Google, and Viviane Reding, member of the European Parliament (TBC). The moderator will be Tomasz Wardyński, founding partner of Wardyński & Partners.

The debate will be held on 2 October 2014 at 3:30 pm at the Sheraton Conference Centre in Sopot, Poland.

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