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real estate

Covering the cost of alterations to premises under leases
The question of payment of the cost of alterations made to leased premises by a tenant is an important issue in the relationship between the tenant and the landlord. There are many factors affecting arrangements as to the cost of alterations, such as the duration of the lease, the premises leased, and the envisaged outlays on the part of the tenant.
Covering the cost of alterations to premises under leases
When a residential part of a building becomes a hotel
The Supreme Administrative Court recently reviewed a case concerning unauthorised change of use of real estate. According to the construction permit it was supposed to be a residential part of a building, but was converted into rooms to be let.
When a residential part of a building becomes a hotel
Does a property development boom mean more litigation cases?
Property development projects are on the rise, accompanied by rising costs of building materials. Can contractors with old contracts which do not reflect inflation validly demand a higher fixed fee?
Does a property development boom mean more litigation cases?
Consolidating real estate for registration in a single land and mortgage register
Real estate has to be consolidated and covered by a single land and mortgage register for example when someone wishes to create separate units in a building standing on two plots listed in separate land and mortgage registers. Before commencing a development project it is also advisable to commission a legal analysis to determine whether the legal criteria for this measure are fulfilled; otherwise this could prove difficult or impossible.
Consolidating real estate for registration in a single land and mortgage register
Does an indexation clause protect against unilateral rent increases by commercial landlords?
The rent, terms of payment and rent abatement period are all important factors for parties entering into commercial leases. Given the ongoing growth of the real estate market, the negotiated rent may fall well below market value within a couple of years. This is why long fixed-term lease agreements (which can be terminated only in situations specified in the lease agreement or when provided by law) should ensure that the rent amount remains acceptable to both parties for the duration of the lease. An indexation clause is one way to do this.
Does an indexation clause protect against unilateral rent increases by commercial landlords?
Change of the purpose of perpetual usufruct: Is it necessary to conclude an agreement and pay compensation?
Local governments and authorities representing the State Treasury accuse developers of planning projects or making other changes in the current manner of use of real estate inconsistent with the purpose for which perpetual usufruct was established. Then they offer the perpetual usufructuary an agreement changing the use of the property in exchange for compensation. Is there any justification for such actions?
Change of the purpose of perpetual usufruct: Is it necessary to conclude an agreement and pay compensation?
Permit for location of a driveway as a condition for division of real estate
People applying for the division of real estate are often requested to supplement the application with a permit for location of a driveway, in order to prove the existence of direct access to a public road. But is the authority’s request legally justified?
Permit for location of a driveway as a condition for division of real estate
Sale of private property: VAT or transaction tax?
Do circumstances such as placing an advertisement for sale of real estate on an auction site or increasing the value of the land by partitioning it into smaller plots, adding utility connections, or establishing easements always indicate that the seller acts as a business and the transaction is subject to VAT, not the tax on civil-law transactions?
Sale of private property: VAT or transaction tax?
When is tax due on elimination of joint ownership of real estate?
Elimination of joint ownership is not always tax-neutral. This should be taken into consideration when deciding how to conduct the transaction.
When is tax due on elimination of joint ownership of real estate?
The owner does not always have to pay the holder for improvements to property
An interesting ruling was issued in a case we were handling. After the independent possessor of real estate turned the property over to the owner, it demanded payment for the expenditures it had made on the property, including construction of a building on the site. But does construction always raise the value of the property?
The owner does not always have to pay the holder for improvements to property
Change in rules for the investor’s joint and several liability in the construction process
A simplified procedure for notification of subcontractors, clarification of the rule on the investor’s objection to entrusting part of the work to a subcontractor, and limitation in the amount of the investor’s joint and several liability—all these changes are to go into effect on 1 June 2017.
Change in rules for the investor’s joint and several liability in the construction process
The concept of agricultural real estate under the Agricultural System Act
The broad limitations on trading in agricultural land introduced by amendment of the Agricultural System Act require extreme caution in any transaction potentially involving this type of property, as the definition of agricultural land assumes huge importance.
The concept of agricultural real estate under the Agricultural System Act