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New draft of the Renewable Energy Sources Act
Current producers of electricity from renewable energy sources as well as producers from modernised RES installations are to be offered a choice between maintaining the current support rules (using certificates of origin) and a new auction-based support system. The auction system would be applied with respect to new installations put into operation on or after 1 January 2016. Another major element of the latest proposal for the RES Act is support for “prosumer” generation of electricity at micro RES installations.
New draft of the Renewable Energy Sources Act
New rules for recognition and enforcement of judgments—does easier mean better?
From January 2015 creditors holding a judgment issued in an EU member state will be able to obtain recognition or enforcement of the judgment in another member state without initiating an additional court proceeding.
New rules for recognition and enforcement of judgments—does easier mean better?
No-par shares in limited-liability companies in bill to amend the Commercial Companies Code
The government plans revolutionary changes in the asset structure of limited-liability companies to go into effect 1 January 2015.
No-par shares in limited-liability companies in bill to amend the Commercial Companies Code
Do windmills and power lines spoil the landscape?
The Polish Parliament is working on a bill known as the “Landscape Act,” which is intended to introduce effective mechanisms for protecting the landscape. But an unintended consequence could be to block the construction of aerial masts, power lines and wind turbines, rather than merely regulate their location.
Do windmills and power lines spoil the landscape?
Return of the tax avoidance clause?
Discussion is underway on guidelines for proposed amendments to Poland’s Tax Ordinance. The most important changes proposed include introduction of a tax avoidance clause, safe harbour opinions, and a Tax Avoidance Council.
Return of the tax avoidance clause?
Changes in the National Court Register
Amendments have been proposed to the law governing the process of registering entities required to be entered in the National Court Register.
Changes in the National Court Register
A troublesome privilege
Parliamentarians seek to strip banks of the opportunity to use bank writs of execution while awarding a comparable privilege to credit unions.
A troublesome privilege
Another attempt to tighten the food inspection system
Every now and then a scandal breaks out involving Polish food products—most recently the use of industrial salts, as well as horsemeat in beef. In such cases, the authorities announce that they will take stern action.
Another attempt to tighten the food inspection system
Airport ground services: A new approach
In the area of ground services, there is a battle between the interests of airports, groundhandling agents, staff and consumers. Any legal changes in this field typically represent a compromise between the interests of numerous stakeholders.
Airport ground services: A new approach
New rules for settling securities transactions
A bill to amend the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments was adopted on 28 June 2012
New rules for settling securities transactions
Proposal for Renewable Energy Sources Act
The proposed new Renewable Energy Sources Act would significantly change the system of support for electricity produced in Poland from renewable resources.
Proposal for Renewable Energy Sources Act
Gas Law proposal
In the last issue we discussed the proposed new Energy Law. Now it is time to turn to the second element in the package of energy legislation presented in December 2011 by the Polish Ministry of Economy.
Gas Law proposal